But if you have Accidently turned it on and are messed up with this Here is the simple solution of it.
So lets Start
All you need is to turn off the TalkBack in setting, generally Talkback is placed in Accessibility Setting.
You Wish to go to the setting but you phone doesn't scroll down....
The only thing you have to do is to Scroll the screen by Two fingers simultaneously, it will alloy you to scroll and Double Tap to Select any Thing.
Now the Question is How to find TalkBack setting option.
Here i will give you the path for some famous devices.
1. Samsung: Samsung generally place this at bottom of the setting abov the About phone setting.
Simple open your setting by double tapping the setting icon and scroll down by two fingers to the bottom where you will find the Accessibility setting, double tapp the Accessibility and you will find TalkBack , Double Tap TalkBack and turn off.
2. Redmi Places this in
Additional settings >>